Gaining clarity in both personal and financial health is about understanding what truly matters and […]
There is one branch of philosophy created just for us: Stoicism. It’s a philosophy designed to make us more resilient, happier, more virtuous and wiser. In short, a tool for living a good life. Embrace the wisdom of the ancient Stoics and absorb the teachings of timeless valuable wisdom via The Daily Stoic book. You'll find the serenity, self-knowledge, and resilience you need to live well as a result.
Each article focuses
Problem solving
- Even when obstacles happen, your mind has the power to redirect the path
- Take a bird eye view when you see things or talk about people. They will be so petty in perspective
- If this method don’t work, use another. Be flexible
- Keep in mind when things are tough. You come from ancestors who survive the unimaginable
- Don’t be a victim. Get active in your own rescue
- Have the courage to decide to do things differently and to make a change.
- Have the discipline and awareness that the greener side cannot be endlessly indulged either
- You can be a child of the wise philosophers
- Build up your life action by action, act with justice, self control and wisdom
- Follow the process by doing the small things well, repeated right actions in the right order
- Solve problems early
- You can do it. Have the attitude that propel you onward and upward
- If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging. Don’t make things worse with your emotions. Plan your way out
- Have a trained mind that can adapt to any circumstances and solve problems. be flexible, strategic
- What wins the war: discipline, fortitude, courage, clear headed, selflessness, sacrifice
- What loses war: cowardice, rashness, disorganization, overconfidence, weakness, selfishness
- Every event has two handles. One by which it can be carried, one by which it can’t
- Listening (hearing the wisdom of the world) accomplishes more than speaking
- No shame in needing help
- The more you struggle with fortune, the more vulnerable you are
- Be prepared and active, ready for problems, difficulties, confusing and disappointing people, ready to accept and make it work for us
- Stay focused on the present. Don’t let your reflection of life crush you. Don’t fill your mind with bad things that might still happen
- Calm is contagious. Take a breath and don’t worry
- Be nourished by open air and deep breathing with walks
- Insanity is doing the same thing but expecting a different result. Choose to learn and do things differently to be successful
- Freedom, happiness are in your choices and you can have it right now
- Learn what is your own affair and what is not, so you don’t need to quarrel
- Be wise - manage expectations as much as possible. Rarely expect what isn’t possible in the first place. Consider both best and worst case scenarios. Think about what you wish to happen, and what realistically can happen if things were to suddenly turn
- Don’t fight against habit, break the pattern and try the opposite
- Seize your adversities head on and handle them well
- Don’t be too hard on yourself. Forgive yourself when you slip up and don’t hold yourself to impossible standard
- Don’t make excuses for yourself
- The obstacle becomes the way when you let your mind be adaptable
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