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There is one branch of philosophy created just for us: Stoicism. It’s a philosophy designed to make us more resilient, happier, more virtuous and wiser. In short, a tool for living a good life. Embrace the wisdom of the ancient Stoics and absorb the teachings of timeless valuable wisdom via The Daily Stoic book. You'll find the serenity, self-knowledge, and resilience you need to live well as a result.
Each article focuses
- Clarity
- Emotions
- Awareness
- Unbiased thoughts
- Right action
- Problem solving
- Duty
- Pragmatism
- Resilience
- Virtue
- Acceptance
- Mortality
- Accepting what is.
- Don’t see for everything to happen as you wish it would but rather wish that everything happens as it actually will then your life will flow well
- No matter how much preparation, skill or intelligence, the ultimate outcome is in the lap of the gods. The sooner we know that, the better we will be
- Taking it as what happens to us is order to help aid our destiny
- There is no evil in things changing just as there is no good in persisting in a new state. Events are objective. It is only in our opinions that says something is good or bad.
- When you decide to make the most of everything, you have a better attitude
- Don’t trust in your reputation, money or position but in the strength that is yours (judgment about the things you control and don’t control) focus inward on acquiring power rather than outward.
- All is fluid, our understanding of what something is is just a snapshot-an ephemeral opinion
- It is not the thing. It is what we make of it.
- When you are distressed by an external thing, it is not the thing itself that troubles you, but only your judgment of it. You can wipe the victim’s mentality instantly
- The strong accept responsibility. Know that the powers begin and end with our reasoned choice. We can control our attitude and response to those events
- Complaining, making excuses and justification for the things you have done never lighten the load
- Acceptance is the first step in an active process towards self improvement
- Everything is change. To resent change is to wrongly assume that you have a choice in the matter
- Hope and fear contain a dangerous amount of want and worry in them, the want is what causes the worry
- They are projections into the future about the things we do not control and are enemy of the present
- The projection of philosophy is focused inward. To make ourselves better. Leave other people to their faults. Don’t judge especially when we have so many of our own
Four habits of the stoic mind
Accept only what is true.
Work and direct impulses for the common good
Match desires and needs with what is in our control
Embrace what nature has in store for us
- Pretend that each desire or unexpected event was willed to happen, so you wouldn’t fight that
- Once is enough, once is forever
- Fortune falls heavily on those for whom she’s expected. The one always on the lookout easily endures
- If you hold anything dear outside your reasoned choice, you will have destroyed your capacity for choice
- Attachment is temporary and causes unhappiness
- Our capacity for reasoned choice is permanent. The sooner we are aware of this, the easier it is to accept and adapt to what does happen
- Treat what you lose as a breakable glass instead of a part of yourself
- Don’t compare and concern yourself with petty differences
- Turn your mind away from things that provoke negative emotions
- Whatever happens, you are going to be ok
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